Spring has sprung on the Oregon Coast!  Treat Mom to a special Mother's Day weekend in Yachats or join us for Memorial Day fun and the Annual Spring Crafts Fair!

Crafts on the Coast - Fine, Fancy, Fun Annual Spring Crafts Fair at the Yachats Commons  May 25 & 26 Call 541-547-4738 for more information

4th of July la de da Parade - Old fashioned fun in Yachats starting with the parade at noon and followed by the "Yamboree" with ice cream social, food booths, entertainment and beer garden.  At sundown, watch the fireworks display with sparkling reflections over Yachats Bay. 

Yachats Smelt Fry and Yachats Music festival. The basalt beaches of Yachats is one of the few places on the Oregon coast where smelt come ashore to spawn.   Each year Yachats hosts the Smelt Fry with a variety of tastily prepared smelt, classical music from San Francisco musicians, and a variety of activities.    547-3530

October 1 through June 30

Two nights or more (except Holidays, Festivals and some Saturdays). Call for details and availability.
Subject to change and withdrawal without prior notice.


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